The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

The sky is on fire! Or at least it looks that way this morning. Spectacular sunrise with just enough clouds. 25 now going to the upper 40s (maybe) later.

Very quiet weekend for me. This morning I need to get the bills paid. Only other item on the agenda so far is a trip to the gym.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning

     It is 31° and gas is the same at 2.899.  It is a beautiful sunny day but still cold.

     I built 3 more kits yesterday and changed the cover on an outlet on the front porch. It had a weathertight cover that it no longer needs on the enclosed porch and my wife let me know that she has trouble plugging in the sweeper with the flaps in the way.  I took the wrong cover out first thing and then the screws were not the same as the 2 different screw drivers I took to do the job but, 3 trips to the garage and I got it done. Why am I bragging about this?  Icon_e_biggrin Icon_e_biggrin Icon_e_biggrin

     More of the same today. 

     Praying for everyone to heal and be safe 

Good Afternoon Everyone,

The weather isn't too bad here today. It is in the low 40's and supposed to bounce back and forth all week. Now next week is a different story as we return back to the low 30's and 20's.

Not to much planned for today but I did receive a package in the mail today and I will work on that for a little bit today. I'm at a stand still with my one engine until the frame and motor arrive in the mail.

Hope you all have a great and safe day today.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Good morning all, was nice yesterday, 75 and the first day of the Phoenix Open. I have to wonder though, Sunday is the last round and it always falls on the same day as the Super Bowl. Haven't a clue why they don't move it a week before or after, especially when they play the Super Bowl here. Oh yeah, they do move the final day to Monday when that happens in deference to the massive amount of traffic both venues create, but there's still no room at any of the local airports for more private jets. I guess if you can afford to go to the Super Bowl or the Phoenix Open, you can afford a private jet, just finding a place to park it is an issue. 

Today, not as nice, there's a 4% chance of rain early this morning to 95% later in the evening. Temps drop as well to the mid-60's.

That's it, no big news, still working on that antique auto, just past the halfway mark. I've not kept track of how long I've been working on it, but a couple hours a day for around a week sounds about right. I'm at the point where it is difficult to work on, pushing a part in place while holding it is a bit fragile, knocking some parts loose or possibly breaking a part. So I go slow, which is us old folk's usual speed anyway. Icon_rolleyes

Take care, have fun today and stay out of trouble.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 26 going up to 42 with sun.

Yesterday was crazy. At work we played guess what time the concrete pour is. Frist time given was 11:30, then 10:30, 10:00, 11:00, and 12:30. Luckily there was only one truck and it showed up at 11:30. When I got home the wife and I went and picked up our new glasses. We then made a stop at PetSmart and the pharmacy.

Over the weekend we got the Christmas decoration bins up to the attic except for one. We returned a few items to Amazon and Kohl’s. Saturday evening, we attended the private open house for the community center that my son’s non-profit is opening in a few weeks. The purpose of the center is to provide recourses for at risk young people. They have come a long way from Facebook scheduled protests regarding George Floyd, to addressing police issues, creating and running the local pride festival, feeding and making sure families have Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners and presents, feeding the homeless. I think the funniest thing is despite being considered anti-police by some my son has been involved in making sure our local police department is getting the body cameras they have been requesting for several years, and being called in to help negotiate a new police contract with the township. Sunday was a lazy day. Did a few chores around the house and made a run to the grocery store.

I finished painting the mortar lines on the brick walls for the Ambassador Hotel kit. I still need to seal a couple of them. I entered some rolling stock in my inventory program. I also continued organizing the rolling stock storage.

Tonight is wide open. I am not sure what I will be doing. I am hoping to work on the Ambassadors Hotel and continue organizing.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hi all. well Monday slipped by again not much news it's raining if you can call it that still dry under the trees, as to modeling still working on the coast-to-coast building, didn't like the 6 by 6 windows in kit (it's a smalltown kit) so i cut out the mullions to make the windows 1 by 1 much more better looking to me.
you all stay safe and warm Jim.
Good morning, we did get some rain yesterday, almost 1/2" here, some areas got more, some less but we all got wet. We're looking for more around mid-morning and all day tomorrow. Really going to screw up the golf tournament because they actually start play tomorrow, today is practice, but still costs $50 to get in and watch.

Nothing on my schedule today, even got to sleep in late since I'm eating breakfast alone and don't have to be concerned about meeting anyone. I just might be able to finish my antique car build. Had an issue yesterday while putting on some accessories, one part came loose and a few more followed. I'm back to the glue pot to secure some crucial spots. Otherwise, things are looking good.

I hope everyone makes today the best day possible, stay dry and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 42 right now with a guesstimated high near 60. Rain possible tonight but only a 40% chance.

Pretty quiet day for me yesterday until I got an e-mail.. Looks like I'll be able to annoy everyone at the speed of light in the near future. The local fiber optic network people said they will be contacting me in the next 30 days to get me hooked up. I'm really looking forward to that. I currently have DSL which at the time (20+ years ago) it twas the biggest dog in town at 3mbps. I'll be going from that to 100mbps which is their slowest offering. Who knows, maybe I'll upgrade later. Switching over will allow me to drop my cable company, long distance company and my phone company, saving me over $100 a month.

Not much else going on. Still waiting for a call that my glasses are ready.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 36 on its way to 45. No rain in the forecast until Monday.

Last night was a quiet evening. My wife is experiencing low blood pressure again. This is a side effect of the weight loss from the medication she is taking for her diabetes. The lowest reading was 98/54. That means a phone call to the cardiologist to see if he wants to adjust any of her meds. Also she will be talking to her endocrinologist about lowering her insulin injections. Never knew that the insulin she was taking was preventing her from losing weight. Vicious cycle: You take insulin to control your blood sugar. The insulin cause weight gain. Weight gain creates higher blood sugars. Take more insulin to lower blood sugars. And around and around you go.

I sealed the last of the brick walls for the Ambassador Hotel kit. I began installing the clear pieces over the windows on some of the ground floor sections. I changed the McHenry couplers on three boxcars to Kadee couplers and add screws to the coupler clips on two of them.

Tonight, I will help with the Valentine decorations if my wife is feeling better. I want to continue install the glass and window frames on the Ambassador Hotel kit and perhaps tune up a couple Athearn blue box boxcars.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good Morning
        I built a couple more kits yesterday and got the ladder out and ready for getting on the porch roof today to fix a spot under the eaves that lets critters into the attic.  It is to be sunny and 51 so it is a good day for that. 

         Gas is still 2.899. 

        My hearing aid center closed their closest office and now the drive is another 10 miles. I did some searching and found another center from a different company that is closer and in my home town of East Liverpool and they accept my insurance. What do these companies think when they close a local office?

     Tom, I switched to T-Mobile for internet service in December. I get unlimited access with no throttling for $50 a month including the wifi router and the service is as good as my cable. The speed this morning was 196.1 download and 42.8 upload.  Upload speeds are the fastest I have ever had. It is nice to not have the wires coming to the house too.  I am lucy because I can see the tower.  Comcast has been ripping people off for years and now they are getting paybacks when folks have options.  They want me back and offered  25 bucks a month for a year....T-mobile has the rate for life.  Cable would raise my rate to an outrageous price and I had to call and threaten to quit and even then I had to sign for 2 years and the rate was $75 a month. They offered the sun moon and stars to keep me this time but I told them I was tired of the silly games. 

     We are still missing some members.  I talk to Wayne about twice a month and he is having computer difficulties. He is doing a lot of modeling, just not able to share. Deano has gone walk about once again and no replies to PM's I hope they get active again. 

Good morning all, kinda chilly and soggy out, a bit of rain earlier but the sun is peeking through much to the delight of those out there at the Phoenix Open. Lots of celebs there today and we can't let them get wet now can we?

Gas has dropped again, up to 20 cents. Many stations are around $3.00 +/-.

I finished the antique car, and got one more wooden puzzle to work on, a 1980's sleeper truck cab. Smaller scale, 1:40 with just as many parts. I've got one more puzzle on order and that one will be a doozie.

That's it, today I'll be loading everything since we plan on going target shooting on Monday. it might be cold, but it's suppose to be dry.

Have a great day, do something that you like doing, I plan on just that...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
I haven't checked in for a few days, just nothing going on that special. We have had a couple days of 60 degrees in February. Unusual but welcome.
Gas seems steady @ $2.99. Up 10 cents from my last outing. Club meet tomorrow night. This member has a nice scenic layout and it will be well attended.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, a chilly Friday here, it did rain overnight and due again tonight and tomorrow. Really screwing up the golf tournament, except those that just go there to party.

Bought a device a few years ago from Amazon called, "Echo Connect" that would allow Alexa to use my landline to dial 911 if need be. I had some issues with it shortly after and Amazon said they would not repair or replace it, they were no long making them. We finally got it to work, and so far I haven't needed it, but as of the end of this month, that doesn't matter. Amazon said they were disabling all those device rendering them useless. For my being such a loyal customer, they are giving me a $10 gift card, an Amazon gift card that is..... Isn't that just great that you buy a product and the manufacturer can just turn it into a large paperweight with the flip of a digital switch. Glad that Amazon isn't in the car manufacturing business. "Gee, we found a bug in your steering computer, we've decided not to fix it, so for your safety, we will disable it. We advise you to pull over and park, preferably in front of a car dealership so you can buy a new one since you will no longer be able to drive the one we sold you." So be it, this is technology working at its fullest....

Take care, have a great weekend, stay warm, stay dry and stay calm, just go have fun....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good evening folks

It is currently 52 heading down from our high of 57.

It has been a crazy day. Despite an easy day on the project site I found myself outside the trailer most of the day. I am not complaining since it was a great day to be outside.

Yesterday During our concrete pour I saw the Norfolk Southern (original) hertitage unit on point of an eastbound train on the former Reading Main Line just before it went into Flat Rock Tunnel. Unfortunately, I could not get my phone out quick enough to grab a picture.

I just got home from taking the 17-year-old cat to the vet for her semi-annual checkup. Despite some dirty teeth and some arthritis, she is doing great. Her weight stayed the same and her heart is perfect. Heck she is in better shape than me. She got a shot for the arthritis. She currently trying to convince me that I never feed her today and that I owe her extra treats for the trauma I put her through.

This weekend, I have some stray bins that need to be but into their appropriate places. I am not sure about what other household chores needed to be addressed this weekend other than the laundry. I will be working some overtime tomorrow morning which will impact my schedule. One item we are keeping an eye on this weekend is my wife’s blood pressure. She has been experiencing low blood pressures for the past week or so. Luckily for her, her blood sugars have stabilized. She was having issues with low blood sugars. This is something the doctors do not warn you about as you lose weight. She needs to talk to the endocrinologist and cardiologist about adjusting medications.

If time permits, I will work on the Ambassador Hotel. For a change of pace, I may tune up some rolling stock. I have some cars I need to add to the inventory program. Since almost all of the rolling stock is in bins, I am now thinking about how I can further organize the rolling stock.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
I guess I'm officially old now Smile
I just received the Medicare & Medicaid cards Smile
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???

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