The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, a nice day yesterday, 77 for a high, 53 for the low. More of the same today. Tomorrow is suppose to be a lot colder and maybe wetter, the % chance is a moving target so we'll just have to wait and see. Gas is also a moving target, UP.... jumped 20 cents in the last day or two. It moves around so much that I saw a couple of stations the other day that were cheaper than Costco or Sam's.

Not much else going on, I've added a power supply to my pinball machine. It had a plugin, and I just took that out of the case and installed it inside with an on/off switch. Easier to move around and I don't have to plug it in each time. Beyond that, I've started to clear up the mess that was on the part of my layout that needs work, so I'm hoping I can keep going on that today.

Enjoy the day, stay out of trouble, or at least don't get caught. Nope Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

26 and sunny going to 56 and still sunny. Could be a nice early spring day.

Swam for 2/3 of a mile yesterday and then took my first bike ride of the season for 5.2 miles. After the bike ride there was a small (illegal) fire in my driveway but fortunately I didn't get caught. Seems some leaves fell on to a match. By the time I got the hose out the fire was finished. Even the judge who lives 2 doors down didn't seem perturbed by the fire.

Rant of the day - why do some guys pay $50 a month to sit in the lounge in the men's locker room at the gym and watch Seinfeld reruns? I never could understand that. End of rant.

A trip to the gym is the only activity on tap so far.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning

     The morning news reported rising gas prices are due to spring break. I think it is really because it's Wednesday.  Icon_e_biggrin

     We have rain this morning with a high expected to be around 60°.

     I assembled one box car last night and painted the roof and ends to get it ready for the decals. I will finish it today and clear the work bench for more projects. 

     Stay safe everyone. 

Good morning good people of Big Blue, hear now, temps are down, gas prices up. We should only get to the high 60's today with some showers, gas on the other hand has gone crazy, $3.89 in not uncommon.

Nothing big going on except that if it does rain, there'll be many disappointed baseball fans.

Take care, enjoy the day, stay safe for sure....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

35 now and maybe the upper 50 later with rain moving in tonight. The NWS has dialed back the percentage fro 70% to 60% and dropped the quantity a half inch to a quarter inch. I'll be lucky to see any rain.

Routine day yesterday. No fires occurred. I did get a bill from the phone company wanting me to pay for the month from Feb. 25th to Mar. 24. Problem with that is that my phone service was disconnected on Feb. 21st. Spent 45 minutes on the phone with them to make sure their computer didn't tell some other computer that I didn't pay my bill. Gave me their song and dance about 48 hours again. When I tried to cancel on the 23 they told me "it takes 48 hours." Then yesterday the "didn't understand" why the procedure didn't work properly. I'm guessing they just wanted me to pay and extra month. End of rant for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Cloudy, mayhaps 50 for the day.
Aldis yesterday. Even though an egg farm fire was 2000 miles away, the price here went from a dollar to three. The eggs they sell here are from a local farm. White bread was 89 cents, now $1.29. Gas here went from $2.89 to $3.39. I think I'll just recline for the day. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, yeah, we had a egg farm fire close by, but that was about a year ago. Eggs here are pushing $3.89 at Fry's, gas is just as high at some stations. $3.59 at a few.

We did get some nice rain later yesterday, about a quarter-inch here, it looks like everyone in the valley got some. Suppose to be more later today.

Got two appointments this morning. My yearly physical is one of them, now with a new doctor since my long-time one retired. Just got a letter from BCBS that one of the old PA's in the office is no longer there. She was the last to go, everyone there has now been replaced including the receptionists and the doctor. My doctor left because of the large corporate takeover of his office. I could tell, he was not happy leaving, but not happy staying either. I just talked to a woman that said her doctor went, "concierge", (or direct primary care). That means for $4,000 a year, she can see him anytime and as many times as need be for no extra cost.... she switched doctors...

That's it for now, have a great day, be happy... another weekend is due tomorrow.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Well, you heard it here first. Not a drop of rain yesterday (see my post from yesterday). The NWS is claiming a 50% chance of rain/snow for today but I'm not out on a limb when I say I probably won't get any (rain/snow) today. 31 now going to maybe the mid 40s.

Had a nice visit with some friends yesterday afternoon and had a 5.5 mile bike ride. Only item penciled in on today's agenda is a trip to the gym.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning

     Sun and 47° in Southeast Ohio..

     The NTSB just told congress there was no need for NS to blow the derailed vinyl cars. The company that owns the vinyl in them claims they were cooling. We all know hindsight is 20-20.  I have a hard time with the NTSB findings because the STO. Crew, and the dispatcher all knew there was a problem 20 miles before the derailment  but elected to keep moving because the readings were not above specs even though the car was on fire.  I blame them for the wreck. (just my opinion).
I am glad they detonated those cars rather than take a chance on an explosion that could have left death and destruction. 

      More train work today. I am decaling undecorated cars.  

Good morning folks

It is a bright 39 with a high of 54 and no rain for a change. We won’t dry out much as rain will be back overnight and tomorrow.

Not much has gotten done the last couple of nights. I saw the surgeon about the hernia on Wednesday. I am scheduled for surgery in mid-April. Since I take Eliquis I have to get a clearance from my cardiologist. That appointment is in two weeks.

For the weekend Saturday looks like it will be a wash with rain most of the day. We will try to run our errands such as the produce store, and grocery store. We need a trip to the UPS for an Amazon return. Sunday is currently an open day although I am sure there will be some housecleaning and laundry.

On the layout there are still a few things that need to be put away. I was thinking of working on the roads around the station area. I could build another structure. I was thinking of doing Walthers Parkview Apartments but then I found a couple of Lundy Studio and City Classic kits. I would like to run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 23 outside my window in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. Supposed to get to the mid 40s again today. And for the second day in a row I was more accurate than the NWS. No rain or snow fell here.

Today is of course Saturday which means Don is sleeping while I type this. I'll be starting the laundry shortly, At 9:30 Central time you can find me in front of the TV watching the second F1 race of the season. Hopefully it will be better than last week's race.

Rant of the day - box elder bugs! There seems to be a bumper crop this year. Normally I get a few in the fall. This year there were more than usual last fall and I'm finding 2 or 3 a day this spring. I even found one in the shower at the gym yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Surprise, surprise, I am awake... well, almost. I only slept an extra  hour and a half. I have a lawn care guy coming as early as 7:00 this morning, so I need my coffee IV to wake up.

Ah rain, it's hard to tell just how much. I use a county rain gauge map and it varies from gauge to gauge, but I'm guessing somewhere just under 1/2" over two days. Temps in the low 70's, but should be in the 80's next week. Delightful... What isn't is gas prices, $3.61 seems popular right now, a few stations just under that. I predict that we'll hit $4.00 by the end of the month. Yeah, they're blaming a surge in spring driving, and based on the traffic, I agree. Of course, it's Spring Training games for another few weeks that does make driving around town difficult.

Y'all have a great weekend, stay safe and stay dry....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Afternoon Everyone,

Well it is a cold one today with rain that is going to be changing over to snow at some point today or tonight. They are calling for 1-3 inches of snow. We knew mother nature wasn't done with the snow. I did receive something in the mail today and it was a Conrail SW9 that will become yet another C&I engine. With it raining today, I'm not going to be able to paint today which is a bummer as I do everything outside.

We did some running already this morning. We went to Walmart and got a few things then stop at a local diner ( Deans Diner along Rt. 22 ) and had lunch. Well I had break fest. We then came home and are just relaxing around the house for a little bit until we go to a friends house later on. Other than that nothing else is really going on.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Take care.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Rain again - 4th or 5th Saturday in a row  Curse
Getting colder too...  
Getting ready to turn the clocks forward to confuse the cats  Smile  Smile
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Good morning, or night. I am up late.  

     No, I m not waiting for the time to change but I did finish assembling all of the blue box refers and box cars. I have a few Walthers and others to assemble when time permits.  Next step will be decaling the 21 np names that have been painted. 

      I bought a new 6tb seagate ssd and I am beginning to back up my movies and photos. I think if they are on the drive I can access them with the TV so I won't need the DVD player for our personal videos It is going remarkably fast 

      We had rain today but it is clear now. 


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