I think we left at the right time
Email notification received this morning, the "old neighborhood" is still having "problems". I tried posting there yesterday, and couldn't get my reply to "go through". The place is a mess! I am so happy we got out when we did.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Don & I are still members there... IT's reinforcing that our timing was right!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Yes we all seem to go there on a regular basis, even if we don't post, we'd hate to see things fall completely apart. We hope that they'll pay attention, but I've been perusing some of their other forums, and these problems seem to run throughout. I just hope they don't abandon things, and get a few people in control that care as much as we did.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
There seems to have been an odd split. The majority of the really active modelers seem to have moved over here, along with the not-yet-classified types like myself, while the two most active Tennessee logging guys remained behind.

I have seen numerous comments about how quiet it is, and have noticed the absence of much new stuff, but like the weather, no one seems to be doing anything about it.

I still enjoy parts of the old forum and remain a member if only to follow the antics of the logging guys.

In all fairness, it's pretty quiet here a lot of the time, too.
Yeah, that logging stuff is really cool, and very inspirational. i still wander over there every few days to see what's up, but last time i was frustrated by server issues. I can tolerate some server issues on a site where the members are responsible for the upkeep, but on a commercially run site?
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nachoman Wrote:Yeah, that logging stuff is really cool, and very inspirational. i still wander over there every few days to see what's up, but last time i was frustrated by server issues. I can tolerate some server issues on a site where the members are responsible for the upkeep, but on a commercially run site?

Bingo!!!! "commercially run site", I never thought of it that way. You're right, it is a site that is run for profit, and as such, should be operated by professionals with little or no downtime. I guess it's kind of like the difference between going into a mom and pop store and Wal Mart. I go to Wal Mart frequently, but I miss the warm comfortable feeling I get when I go into a small local shop, and by golly, the folks a Wal Mart wouldn't know my name if I wore a name tag, or care either. The small shop owner is on site every day too, while Wal Mart has so many layers of management it's hard to tell who's in charge. Yeah, I like that description... commercially run site... I'm not too fond of the concept though. Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Yeah, I've noticed a few issues over there with things like going right to the latest post in a thread and it doesn't show. It just seems like they'd be on top of this stuff if they want people to stick around. I mean, how long is anyone gonna visit a forum if it's not continually working right?? They better wake up if they want to keep the traffic they have now.... oh well....
On the other hand, going directly to the latest post is a positive feature. I have noticed that this forum simply goes to the first page and requires me to search for the latest post in a thread.

It isn't all good, but it isn't all bad either.
M'man....Waaaayyy over on the right of the thread title, next to the name of the last poster, there is a teeny-weenie square, kinda looks like a "page"....if you click on it it'll take you to the last post in the thread...And on the left of the thread title, there is a little "orangey" square, that'll take you to the first unread post....
I too had to ask how to access these features... Misngth
Gus (LC&P).
Why do we keep calling the The Gauge at Zealot(yeah...I spelled it out), the "old Gauge"

The "Old Gauge", before it was taken over by greedy, Silican Valley, geeks with pocket protectors,(and shoes on their heads) looked like this, and was actually owned, and run by people with a passion for the hobby of model railroading.
This is the Guage I remember, when I originally signed up back in 2002.

We should put up a banner, like in the Cheers episode when Sam got the bar back.
"Under Old Manangement"

I hate to see it go under, but he "Forum That Shall Remain Nameless", in my opinion is like my ex wife: Who cares!
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
eightyeightfan1 Wrote:Why do we keep calling the The Gauge at Zealot(yeah...I spelled it out), the "old Gauge"

The "Old Gauge", before it was taken over by greedy, Silican Valley, geeks with pocket protectors,(and shoes on their heads) looked like this, and was actually owned, and run by people with a passion for the hobby of model railroading.
This is the Guage I remember, when I originally signed up back in 2002.

We should put up a banner, like in the Cheers episode when Sam got the bar back.
"Under Old Manangement"

I hate to see it go under, but he "Forum That Shall Remain Nameless", in my opinion is like my ex wife: Who cares!

Based on the amount of discussion it always generates, I would say we all care.
eightyeightfan1 Wrote:Why do we keep calling the The Gauge at Zealot(yeah...I spelled it out), the "old Gauge"

The "Old Gauge", before it was taken over by greedy, Silican Valley, geeks with pocket protectors,(and shoes on their heads) looked like this, and was actually owned, and run by people with a passion for the hobby of model railroading.
This is the Guage I remember, when I originally signed up back in 2002.

We should put up a banner, like in the Cheers episode when Sam got the bar back.
"Under Old Manangement"

HEY!!!! -- Who are you callin' "old"????? Misngth
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
I think that we all still have an investment in the "old Gauge" if nothing else, because there is a lot of our information still on it.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
ngauger Wrote:I think that we all still have an investment in the "old Gauge" if nothing else, because there is a lot of our information still on it.
Which we are slowly taking back Cheers

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.
ngauger Wrote:I think that we all still have an investment in the "old Gauge" if nothing else, because there is a lot of our information still on it.
Yeah, we've got more of an investment than time. Some have a piece of themselves back there and it's hard to pull completely away. I've been looking at a few other sites that are now owned by CG and I have to tell you, we are not alone on our dislike for the ads and the frequent problems with access. I've seen other sites that have had mass exodus' of staff, I'm not sure where they went, but knowing the Internet, there's always something else to one's liking out there. The folks at CG are use to the backlash by now, and I would think they'd have learned, but being a profit-driven corporation, I guess they have no choice. I doubt that they'll let it whither away either, they have a substantial investment to protect. We wish them well.

It has given the staff here great pleasure to be able to revive the old familiar, independent train forums, down to trying our best to color match the background. Ed is right, we should advertise, "Under OLD management", with "OLD" being a relative term, of course... 357
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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