Making some trees for Sweethome Alabama
Hi Jon,

Great thread and what awesome looking trees. I was wondering though what you use for the foliage and if you use hairspray as the adhesive?

I think we need to keep a lookout for any LPB [Little Plastic Bozos] armed with chainsaws and looking to score fresh timber for the local mill or for firewood.

Guard those trees carefully.

Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More
SSWUPinSA Wrote:Hi Jon,

Great thread and what awesome looking trees. I was wondering though what you use for the foliage and if you use hairspray as the adhesive?


Correct, Callum

I use hairspray for the foliage adhesive and am currently using Hornby 'Skaledale' ground scatter in various shades of green. I have also started using Gaugemaster leaves, although they are somewhat heavier and, although they look better, can make the poly-fibre branches sag a bit.

[Image: IMG_7313.JPG]

[Image: IMG_7312.JPG]

I use old ice cream tubs to store the foliage once the packet has been opened - waste not, want not.


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