WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Wow Gary, It looks like its coming along very nicely! :!: Cant wait to see more!

Ps: you really have a knack for drawing.

Cheers Cheers

That's terrific.....!!! The pipes look fine..A little surface rust is what they've got...
Gus (LC&P).
Andrew, thank you. always appreciate you following along and commenting on my threads.

Reinhard, back in junior high and high school, I took mechanical and architectural drawing classes and always liked it. Was pretty decent at it too - so on the technical aspects, I knew it wouldn't be a problem. The trees had me worried though. But they turned out to be easy. Yes, there was a learning curve, but fairly quickly it becomes routine, knowing what results to expect from various techniques.

Now, the real art is concerned with shadow and light, as was espoused by biL. Those two things (which are really opposite ends of the same thing) are what makes a technically compotent drawing/painting become a believable representation of reality. Not saying I have mastered this, but I do feel I am getting there.
AC87 Wrote:Wow Gary, It looks like its coming along very nicely! :!: Cant wait to see more!

Thanks Aaron. You and your brother have an open invitation to visit anytime.
Steamtrains Wrote:That's terrific.....!!! The pipes look fine..A little surface rust is what they've got...

Thanks Gus. From train operating distance, the pipes look really good, if I say so myself. The set of pipes between the two buildings almost leads one to believe that it is a photo glued on the wall.
My 2 cents the photo pulls it together and makes it plausible Thumbsup
Harry Check out my blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://newyorkontariowestern.blogspot.com/">http://newyorkontariowestern.blogspot.com/</a><!-- m -->
railroader9731 Wrote:My 2 cents the photo pulls it together and makes it plausible Thumbsup

Hmm... which photo?

First off, you have an amazing railroad and this thread is full of great ideas. As being new and going through this thread i saw a bridge you did. I know im late to the show but did you do another thread about the construction of this bridge. Was looking to do one simular and never thought about modifing a Blama. Any insite would be helpful.

Attached Files Image(s)
Wayne Snyder
Creating the Ft Worth Sub - FWWR
fwwr, first, welcome to the forum, andthanks for your interest in my layout. Smile

The only photos of the construction of this bridge are the ones in this thread. There is another thread where I detailed the painting of the backdrop -


If you have particular questions, I would certainly be glad to answer them.
Gary...Wasn't that the bridge you did for the Spring Challenge Contest..?? (The one you whooped me with... Goldth )

FWWR...Welcome to the forum...Best one around...!! Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
This is the spring challenge bridge... somewhat bigger than the bridge under discussion. And don't know about "whoopin" as the vote was very close if I recall. Smile

Nice!!!! Say, even from the side that spillway and culvert look great!
Thanks Ralph. One of these days, I will quit making excuses, I'll put aside the fear, and actually start putting down some ground foam and static grass and trees and bushes. Then I'll be able to call myself a model railroader!
Quote:Thanks Ralph. One of these days, I will quit making excuses, I'll put aside the fear, and actually start putting down some ground foam and static grass and trees and bushes. Then I'll be able to call myself a model railroader!

Oh is that what it takes? 357 In my estimation, and probably many others around here, you are already a model railroader - in fact, you may even be a railroad modeler! There's always room to add new skills to the tool set, but you've already knocked out a few of the biggies by all accounts - backdrop painting, scratchbuilding railway structures and electronics, not to mention constructing your own layout building. Confusedhock:

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
Gary S Wrote:Then I'll be able to call myself a model railroader!

To be a real model railroader you have to tear down at least one layout. Or at least a large portion of it.

Just kiddin'

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