WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
SP1 Wrote:
Gary S Wrote:Then I'll be able to call myself a model railroader!

To be a real model railroader you have to tear down at least one layout. Or at least a large portion of it.

Just kiddin'

Well, that really qualifies me … Icon_lol .

Gary, if structures like this fantastic bridge do not qualify you as a model railroader, a little dirt and ground foam never will Wink .
Gary, Whatyoutalkingabout? I can do ground foam but I don't consider myself a modeler in your class.....yet.
Cheers .... If you're not a model railroader yet, then about 9/10's of all those here, including myself, don't qualify either...

P.D. It felt like a whoopin'.... 357
Gus (LC&P).
Galen: To me, once I have completed a scene with nice flora and such, then I'll feel I have arrived. Yep, I can handle the technical aspects, even scratchbuild some decent structures, but the scenery is the ultimate test.

SP1: Well, I sort of have that in the bag. I did tear out about 70 feet of layout shelf/track and moved it to the new room - with the prerequisite modifications to fit the new arrangment.

Kurt: No doubt you are a model railroader. You have proven you have all of the skills. I haven't done that yet. Now, I have the confidence that I can make a scene look good, just need to do it. It's just that with a large layout, there is so much to do before getting to that point. I have it in my head to concentrate on a single area for awhile, and get it to a near-completed point.

Charlie: Your long history in the hobby, and in real railroads qualifies you without a doubt.

Gus: Really, there isn't any particular criteria that qualifies one to be a model railroader. There is just this ethereal idea in my head that my short time in the hobby and having never done scenery, is something I need to accomplish before I have arrived. I certainly wouldn't apply that criteria to anyone else.
Quick update - sorry I haven't been posting more.

Have been very motivated the last month and have made good progress. After having the second operating session with Aaron and Nathan, I made some minor changes and additions to a few of the industry spurs, and moved a couple of the undertrack magnets. Built plywood cores for the remaining structures. Put together about forty 50 foot boxcars. Worked a little more on the backdrop painting. Carved out the ditches in the untouched areas, and 90% of the blue foam is painted brown.

Sorry, but no pictures.

I hope everyone is doing well! Thumbsup
Hey Gary...

Good to hear from you. Nice to see you've been keeping busy... Thumbsup

Progress has its ups and downs, at least "visible " progress...I've been spending all of my free time working on my 2-8-2 upgrade, which WILL be finished this weekend, and then I can get back to work on the layout.... 2285_

I also have about 40 boxed kits of rolling stock waiting in line, and then there's the..... So much to do...so lttle time Nope
Gus (LC&P).
Gary, good to see that though you did not post for a while, your motivation to work on your layout has not waned. I wish I could stay that motivated all the time. Anyway, looking forward to seeing your next progress report.
Kurt, Gus, I think I have figured it out. Over the past month, the vast majority of my hobby time has been spent out in the layout room where this is no computer and no Big Blue. This morning, I am working on a structure in the house in my workshop with a computer. Maybe that will get my posting juices flowing.
Gary....All us fans are patiently waiting for news on that gorgeous layout of yours.... Goldth
Gus (LC&P).
Hey Gus...

and everyone else....

Update: Still working diligently in the train room. Mostly mundane items like ballast and dirt. Added some more electromagnets in a couple of places. Programmed and speedmatched several locos. Got the fascia put on all around the layout.

Also built a few structures, need to take photos and post them.

Decided to move my era up about twenty years, so all the 40 foot boxcars are headed to the LHS for consignment.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Good to hear from ya'...

Didn't think you'd been sitting on your hands.... Goldth
Looking forward to your pics...
Gus (LC&P).
Gary S Wrote:... Decided to move my era up about twenty years,...
Hi Gary, how far will you move? Do you go into the past 2005 time frame? You have the space to run two Genset to switch 5 cars or will you stay in time when one engine was good enough to do switching?
Reinhard, about 5 years ago the BNSF replaced all the ex-SF freight-bonnet GPs from Mykawa Yard with Gensets. I wasn't too happy about that, but now the Gensets are growing on me a bit and I am considering getting a pair. For now, I am running various GPs as pairs.

Gus, some photos:

The last remaining section that needed ballast and dirt. The area is 25-30 feet long and has only 4 industries.... big industries. These will be modeled from 4 actual industries in the Hobby area industrial park.


I have been acquiring more modern rollingstock. About 20 covered hoppers and 25 tank cars.


In the mykawa west area, the following is ARA Resources, a chemical supplier. No longer have rail service, the spur has been removed, but of course, my model will have rail service.





they have a whole bunch of tanks like this:


I modeled three of them:


And Grocer's supply right across from ARA:


And the unpainted model:

Gary---great to have you back Cheers .Your layout is looking excellent,well worth the wait Thumbsup
cn nutbar Wrote:Gary---great to have you back Cheers .Your layout is looking excellent,well worth the wait Thumbsup

I'll say it was worth the wait..!!! Looking just great..!!
25-30 feet..?? I'm green with envy.... :mrgreen:

Don't be so stingy with your work...We all look forward to seeing your progress...Even if it's just dirt... Goldth
Gus (LC&P).

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