WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Gary S Wrote:I'll see what I can do for sharing the file. Don't know anything about putting something on youtube though. I definitely appreciate the interest in the presentation. Smile

You're welcome :-) If sharing is 'difficult', I don't mind (if you don't of course) to receive a copy of it as e-mail attachment :-)

If that's okay, I'll PM you with my address, unless you have it already of course :-)


Be sure to visit my model railroad blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.namrr.blogspot.com">http://www.namrr.blogspot.com</a><!-- m -->
torikoos Wrote:... receive a copy of it as e-mail attachment :-)...

What size is the file? Most mail servers enforce strict size limits on mail attachments.
You could always break it down into say 10-20 page segments and post it that way.
ATSF and C&N
It's NOT denial. I'm just very selective about the reality I accept. -- Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes)
Tardis Express: When it absolutely, positively, has to be there yesterday
My two hobby blog: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://wargamesandrailroads.blogspot.com/">http://wargamesandrailroads.blogspot.com/</a><!-- m -->
Gary, why don't you submit it to Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine as a possible article. Joe pays for articles that they publish at rates similar to MR or RMC, and once published, it would be available free to anyone who takes advantage of the free subscription to MRH.
Russ, the presentation is over 120 slides, mostly annotated photos from start to finish of the pipeyard backdrop scene. I documented the entire process with a camera as I went along. Not sure it would be usable as an "article" for the e-zine. Here is a screenshot of some of the slides in powerpoint:


Like I said, not really a magazine type article. Your thoughts?

You mentioned "payment". The e-zine is free to the public and is a great service. If they thought they could use any of this, just having my name in the e-zine would be cool... no payment needed. (Yes, I know they make money off the advertisers.) Thumbsup
I think your best bet might be to contact Joe or Charlie at MRH to see what they would be interested in. I'm wondering if there are more slides than are really needed for an article? Also some of the authors do an article with some photo illustrations and then add more content to the MRH forum. Also unlike the print magazines, page count or the number of color pictures don't have any affect on the cost of publication at MRH.
This is without doubt my favorite thread on this web site. I just can't stand the thought of it moving off the front page yet. ere is a bump until Gary has time to add something more to this thread.
I agree. Really miss the updates. Hope we get our "Gary" fix sometime soon. Wink

Hope all is well, Gary and you are busy building and operating. I'm doing the same and not getting a chance to post progress of my own!

Bar Extension - 5' x 2.5' N-scale layout plus two decks of shelf layout
I appreciate you guys thinking of me and the layout. Also, appreciate y'all bearing with me on my lack of posting. Motivation remains high, been working on the layout and operations alot. Recently held a big ops session, with three crews of two people each - two local crews and the third crew running "through" trains. Had bunches of fun and things went quite smoothly.

Past few days have been spent painting structures. Here are a couple, Shasta beverages and TexAtlantic Industries. Both are built and painted to match the prototype buildings here in Houston.

Progress on the Potato factory:


and a photo of the model door and the real door. A little rough, but acceptable. May add the rest of the details around the canopy, but may just leave it as is.

And the 11 track staging yard. It hangs in the middle of the room, with removable sections connecting to the layout. All of this is easily removable, however, the yard and the connection to the left will stay in place most of the time. The connection across the door is put in only when needed. The door can be placed in the open position during sessions, with the screen door keeping the elements out. That way, people aren't trapped in the room. The arrangement is quite stable, believe it or not. Triangulation rules!


Side view - also note the cool intermodal stuff. In the ops session, we ran a 26 car stack train!

Gary S Wrote:...and a photo of the model door and the real door....
My first thought was, "ha, he posted the same photo twice".... :o Very well done Thumbsup
And, I can't forget to mention that I received a big box from Germany...


Several great structures from Reinhard, now just have to figure out how to incorporate them into the layout. Thanks Reinhard, your generosity is appreciated!

faraway Wrote:My first thought was, "ha, he posted the same photo twice".... :o Very well done Thumbsup

The structure was built some time ago, now that I am finally finishing it, I notice that the "door" itself has vertical corrugations instead of horizontal. It almost looks like they welded a sheet of corrugated steel across the openings. I have actually never seen these doors being used. I wonder if they have been completely abandoned.
Good to see you back, Gary. Thumbsup At least you made the wait well-worthwhile. Wink Goldth


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