WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
YES!!! I see my diabolical plan worked. I tricked Gary into posting more pictures of his layout! MUAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Icon_twisted

All kidding aside. Thanks for the explanation and the additional photos. I'm sure you had it all under control to begin with. I still like the scene and when its done its going to look fantastic!
Being new here, and finding this thread, I just couldn't stop reading! But now, a week later, I have reached the end. What an amazing journey you've had Gary, and I have learnt a few things along the way too, so thanks!

You have a great layout there, and I'm jealous of those who have managed to exoeroence it in person. Your dedication to represent the areas you are modelling so accurately, and your attention to detail is inspiring.

I shall be using your technique to produce weather shields for loading dock doors on my next N scale structure very soon, and you are tempting me to take the plunge on backdrops too.

So, congratulations on a job very well done Gary, and I shall follow your continuing progress with great interest Cheers


Such is life
It might be good weather, but Fall in the High Rockies means getting ready for winter rather than undertaking other projects. Besides, I've got a bear problem at the moment.

Drat it... :cry:
MountainMan Wrote:....I've got a bear problem at the moment.

Hide those picka-nic baskets! Eek

Black bears are a problem in Ontario, too, although not in the southern part of the province. It seems that they're always hungry and will eat just about anything that's available. When they're not eating, they're busy looking for something to eat and can be pretty brazen as to the lengths to which they'll go.

MountainMan Wrote:Besides, I've got a bear problem at the moment. Drat it... :cry:

Our campground has a bear warning up ... and you're just over a couple of hills from us.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

Haven't seen any new posts on the layout progress. How's it coming along ?

I was thinking the same, hope everything's allright Gary, everyone one is in good health and still running trains!

Be sure to visit my model railroad blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.namrr.blogspot.com">http://www.namrr.blogspot.com</a><!-- m -->

Sadly, I must admit that I have not checked in on your progress in a while. That is my mistake. Everything looks incredible!!

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
I hope the reason that we haven't heard from Gary recently is that he is just having too much fun operating on his layout to spend time on the web!
I sent him an email telling him we miss him. I hope he is ok.
He replied and is well but very busy :-) He will pass by at Big Blue and post a sign of life 357
Good to know, all good then, we can breath a sign of relief again :-)

Be sure to visit my model railroad blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.namrr.blogspot.com">http://www.namrr.blogspot.com</a><!-- m -->
Has anyone heard any more about this great layout have not seen any updates on it is sometime now

When I got back home, I made it a point to get caught up on some layouts I have been following. Yours being one of them. Your progress is incredible!! I, thus far, have only scanned through the progress pics, as there is soooo much to read. I am astounded, and I am secretly convinced that you and Charlie B are related. Such incredible progress by the both of you, and in such a short period of time.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
Wow, it's been awhile!

Hello guys, hope you have all been doing well! I apologize for my absence. To be honest, the op sessions started, I've been distracted from Big Blue by the social interaction with the local model railroaders. Also been doing some fishing. And of course, work has its ups and downs. So again, sorry I abandoned you guys.

On the railroad, been working on the backdrop painting again, but progress is slow. Also been reworking some rollingstock to meet my operating standards, and weathering some.

On a sad note, one of my operators passed recently from cancer in his spinal cord. Rest in peace, Tom. Another operator was just diagnosed with brain cancer and it isn't looking good. Sad indeed.

I'm going to poke around the forum a bit, and as I said, I hope everyone is doing well. I appreciate y'all keeping this thread alive.


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