Experience with USPS Parcel Tracking?
First call the local post office to see where the package is and let them know it wasn't delivered. I have never had a problem with the USPS and I get a few items from ebay that way. I did once have a package delivered to the wrong address locally and after a week I called the shipper and they replaced the items. about a month after that the neighbor showed up with a very wet package that he had found in the shrubs beside his door. It was the missing items, and I callled the original shipper and told them what had happened and since it was only a 25 dollar item they said to just keep them with their compliments. I think I had a substitute carried that did that.
You are way more forgiving than I am. Had I had all the problems you have had with this company I would have found something else from another supplier. You are a patient man.

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