Stein's Minneapolis Warehouse district 1957 (HO)
Hi --

wgrider Wrote:Not sure on what color but be sure to give your base coat before doing anymore glueing. Cheers

Will do Goldth

Russ Bellinis Wrote:If the color in that photo is correct, you might want to darken the green that you are using as CNW green with a bit of black. I think that would get you pretty close. The photo looks like it is a dark green that is very close to black.

Makes sense - it looks dark green/black to me too.

Hasn't had a chance to get started on this project yet - looks like I caught something called "Weekly Overload Recreational Killer" (or WORK for short) from my boss, and it has eaten up most of my spare time this last week Goldth

Hopefully I can get started on this project next week.


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