Hobby Celebrities
As a new member I am loathe to comment on another model railroaders artisitic skills or knowledge base, however, it's a subject close to my heart.

What I've found interesting over the years is that much of the modelling done by the so-called celebrities is average at best. I can appreciate detail work on a layout, but many folks have the awful habit of adding too much to a scene making it look almost comical.

To some, more stuff equals detail and this is simply not true. It just becomes a cluttered mess.

I have seen some absolutely beautiful layouts and more often than not, they take the minimalist approach. I know much of that is a matter of taste, but some folks think realism is how many poorly painted Preiser figures one can jam in a scene.

One of the things gotten wrong almost universally is vegetation. Grass is one of my pet-peaves and I spend HOURS trying to get it to look right.

I would never put my work as the standard for any modeller and I can appreciate the guys who just want to operate trains. I do get my "underware in a bunch" when I see articles about certain modellers; self-proclaimed and those bearing the title celebrity unwittingly (perhaps) due to their skill. Why someone would want to emulate much of that work is beyond me for the most part.

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