Improvements of my rolling stock
In my case I want running equipment on a temporary layout that can survive the somewhat rough handling of a 9 y.o. boy.
I have a couple of bulkhead flatcars that will need attention to be returned to service standard as well as broken Kadee compatible couplers on other equipment. Which would you rather see damaged, a car from a train set or the $10 to $15 car from the second hand shelves at the LHS or a $50 Walthers Platinum Line car. Now remember that I want to include my son in my hobby activity not to exclude him as I only get one weekend a fortnight with him.
If he wants to string together an incredibly long train running on Bachmann EZ Track all over the lounge room floor and some things get broken, well so be it.
I would rather we get to play trains together, be they HO scale or the G scale Toy Xmas Train or the Lego Lone Ranger Train Set because he is playing trains with me as well as using his hands and imagination and not just sitting in front of the tv or a computer all day.
Now I full well appreciate the time and effort that can go into a highly detailed model but sometimes we just have to go with good enough or even near enough.
Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More

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