Improvements of my rolling stock
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Should we really discuss about details or not details on toy train stuff for kid's usage?

O.K. we, you and me are all children, big grown up adult kids still playing with trains. Wink

We have learned to handle our equipment safely. May it be sharp knives, hot soldering irons, fast rotating tools, electric voltage and other stuff. All such things we have to protect our children from harm and danger.
And we learned even to handle our stock without destroying it. Fine models never intended for kids with their often awkward hands. Their motor skills are simply not fully developed.
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For that reason it will be better to give them a Thomas The Tank Engine Set and they will love it.

But not the fine scale fine detailed models as we like them. Not until the kids have learned to handle them in a safe manner without damaging them.

That are my 2 €ent. If i have offended somebody, i beg your pardon please.


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