advice on styrene wraps to add rivet detail
you really have nice equipment Wayne. Thats sort of what I had in mind but a slightly more economical version using wood and angle iron as the FGLK runs on a fairly tight budget. I have a picture that I found of an old NYC baldwin 2-8-0 with the set up that I am thinking about dated mid 30's.... loco was pretty battle worn at that point but it sure looked cool. I think iw was being used by a crew to haul a work train.... I will have to see if I can dig up the picture as its a photo copy from a book.

Wouldnt you know it: last night while I was tracing wires for the sound install and I blew out the LED for the headlight so I had to stop work until I can pop down to the store and pickup an LED. Given Squidbait's experience I am starting to wonder if you can install a tsunami without blowing out the LED Smile . All I was doing was using my DVM to figure out which wires went to the motor and which were feeders from the drive wheels... touched both bulb lines with the DVM leads (testing for continuity) and the bulb glowed weakly but when I went back to check it with a load it was no longer working. I guess the voltage from the DVM was enough to toast it. Oh well LED's are cheap.

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