Stein's Minneapolis Warehouse district 1957 (HO)
doctorwayne Wrote:While the components of my GERN complex are now fixed in place by the scenic ground cover and ballast, the overhead connecting structures were easy to build and install. I first selected where I wanted to place them, then cemented a support of strip styrene to the front (visible) wall of the rear structure - the floor of the connecting way rests atop this strip. Next, in the rear (non-visible) wall of the front structure, I cut a hole the same shape and size as the cross-section of the walkway - it can be a little loose on the fit, since it won't normally be visible anyway. Make the connecting-way longer than the gap between the two structures, then, to install it on the layout, insert the one end into the opening, put the two buildings in place, then slide the connecting-way until the rear end sits atop the supporting strip. I didn't bother to cement any of mine in place, as I may have to remove the rear building in order to modify it when I install the support brackets for the second level of the layout.

Brilliant! Thank you very much for that, Wayne! Perfect timing - I will be wanting to start on that part of the project!

I have started on the first subproject - replacing the rectangular three story foamcore w/printed paper building in the foreground with a more substantial five-sided building that has a couple of faces towards the mill buildings on the other side of the track.

Before (right side of building):
[Image: DSCN4924.jpg]

Before (left side of building):
[Image: DSCN4922.jpg]

New building (sides just taped together for test fitting) right side:
[Image: DSCN4929.jpg]

New building, left side:
[Image: DSCN4930.jpg]

New building, view from standing on a chair:
[Image: DSCN4931.jpg]

To allow room for a platform on the track side and on the truck side (right side of building), I had to move the building a little - I need to adjust the walls a bit to allow for this.

And I need to paint over again that ugly "grass". I had some leftover stuff that looked more ugly than I remembered when I got it on the layout 35


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