MDC Climax kitbash
There has always been a "ready to run" component of the Model Railroading Hobby......There has always been the "model building" component......To each their own.
In the "Building" component, there has always been "Kit" Builders, and "Scratch" Builders, and "Kit bashers". It's all this, that makes Model Railroading such a diverse hobby.
You'll see some of the true insanity of all this, once I start the scratch build of my "Tern". I will try to document all the various aspects of this "three mast schooner's" progress, from the laying down of her lines to the erection of her frames, the planking of the hull, deck, cabins, hatches, and her masting and rigging. Her length overall, from the tip of the bowsprit, to the end of the main boom, will be close to 154 HO scale feet. Very close in size to the Brigantine, W.W. Marsland, and will timeshare a section of sea wall, where the Marsland, and my "Tour Ship", also moor when she is in port.
In this photo, that "section of seawall" can be seen in the center, occupied by the "Marsland" :
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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