Watch This Space!!!!
Everyone in East Tafftown has been hearing rumors that they are going to build a big plant of some kind on the old Burford Pottery land. It was torn down and the empty land has been vacant for over 20 years. There has never been anything released. It is a very closely guarded secret and some folks even think there is a conspiracy to let unscrupulous characters
gain control of the land. There was even rumors that there was a secret mine under the pottery that produced a very special clay that fired to a brilliant color without glazing. There is even a rumor that there is an aquifer under the land that would support a large distillery. (claims are the Burford Brothers would have done this had prohibition not been enacted.) They still hold the land title in their name.
City politicians have tried to get the state to lift gambling restrictions so rumors of a casino coming are also rampant.
Today the "P" company brought a trainload of construction equipment and some material and just tied the train down on the "Horn Switch"
Only time will tell.


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