Sign storage
I thought of this today when I saw some highway signs that had been weathered a bit by winter.
Beside one of the GO stations is a highways department yard. Beside the tracks are racks and racks of spare highway signs, you know, the ones that tell you "Matthysen Blvd 2 miles" and "Right lane for Barrie". Lots with arrows telling you the right lane exits. It looks as if they have spares for most of the signs for miles around.
So there's a place for all those signs that you can't use out of a set (there are sets, aren't there?) and give your layout space beyond the plywood.
Also scope for vignettes with LPP painting new signs or repairing damaged ones.
Should also have a kit of parts for overhead gantries lieing around.
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
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