I Don't " Get " Graffiti ......
Tagging the taggers and their cars ....I like that ! ........you're right on modelers having the choice and I would never dispute that ......Don't know why the topic would be taboo on MR and don't really care to be honest .

I got dumped on once ...by a moderator ( !) ....can't remember the site because I quit immediately after about 3 posts . I happened to enjoy the pics of a particular posting and mentioned how much the style and flavour of the scene reminded me of Malcolm Furlow's work . I went on to say that I always enjoyed Mal's south western and Mexican themes with their outside-the-box ideas . I guess the mod didn't like Furlow because he "ripped me a new one " on the next post and went on to disss Malcolm Furlow . ......then I simply said " Check Please ! " ......gone ! Goldth Eek

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.

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