Stein's Minneapolis Warehouse district 1957 (HO)
A little more progress on my milling district scene - got the walls for another couple of buildings built (got a big box of Walthers Modulars a couple of days ago) - walls for the front building is just taped together at the moment, to get the platform up against the track fitted.

[Image: DSCN5158.jpg]

In the back left (w/ gray and red walls) is part of the milling complex. I decided to make an internal loading dock for this building. There will also be an elevated walkway from somewhere up on the wall above the tank car over to the grey building in the center of the picture.

[Image: DSCN5162.jpg]

Next step - putty, sanding, wash in warm soap water, and then primer and paint for the walls, before I add windows etc.

Wish I could work with Josh's speed and craftmanship, but it goes slower with me - probably won't happen any more until next weekend.


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