The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Happy National Cheeseburger Day, Gang

45 and not as hazy as it's been the last week. High for today only in the mid 60s. Warming trend starts tomorrow.

I had a pretty decent day yesterday. Therapy was ok until she dreamed up a new torture that I get to do 3 times a day. Next appointment is Monday. Put the fertilizer on the yard and went for a bike ride. Too lazy to walk. While I was out on my ride I ran into some friends and had a nice chat with them. After that I got the train out and ran that for a while. Also had a fire in the fire pit. Fixed a pork chop under the broiler tonight and had to air out the house. Got a little smokey in here. Nothing planned for today other than a walk and maybe a bike ride.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!! - by FiatFan - 09-18-2020, 07:26 AM

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