The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good morning Blue.
        I really enjoyed the test zoom meeting yesterday. It was good to hear the friendly voices and meet ya'll.  We had a chilly 34 degrees here this morning but thankfully no frost. It is too early for that.  The weather forecast is for a warming trend with a possibility of rain from the latest tropical storm reaching us.  We can use the rain and there is lots of capacity for run off in all the lakes around us. 
        My grandson is coming to help me rebuild a section of fence that surrounds the back yard. We have 2 separate fenced yards with a large gate between them. We can close the gate when a new dog comes to visit and keep them separated until we are sure how they interact with our pair. One of our fur kids is diabetic and blind so we don't want him in a tussle.  We have fostered several dogs and hope to be able to do more in the future. 
        I'm wishing you all a great day. 

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 09-20-2020, 07:21 AM

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