The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
(10-24-2020, 07:37 AM)ezdays Wrote: Good morning everybody, well, the chances of rain here are "blowing in the wind", says some song by someone. No more 40-60%, more like 0% with a slight chance on Tuesday. I just wonder where all the rain is going if it's not headed here....

Got tired of being harassed by the HOA for weeds, so I now have a modified flame thrower to deal with them. The weeds, not the HOA board Icon_rolleyes ... It's kinda like a blowtorch on steroids attached to a tank of propane. The whole thing was cheaper than a fine from the HOA or a visit from my lawn care guy. Since my entire lawn, front and back is gravel, torching those little suckers  is easy with no peripheral damage. Applause 

We had a Zoom chat last night, this time they adhered to the 40 minute limit and shut us down, and I missed letting tompm in before that happened. Maybe if we paid, we'd not only get more time, but with hopes, they might give the host an audible signal that someone is waiting at the door. I'm sorry Tom, my bad, but then again, we were minutes away from getting shut down. If we continue doing this, it might be better if we paid the price, I'll check and let you know if it's worth it.

Don, I have looked at the pricing and there are lower cost alternatives.  I saw one that is only $5 a month, but actually I think we can live with the 40 minute time limit and as Fiat Fan suggests have a second meeting ready for back up.  We could "Pause for a brief intermission" at the 39minute mark allowing us to refill our drinks and do other needed things. Zoom is minimum 149 a year, but I don't see a justification for the benefits that are added. Microsoft has a free one but I have had so much trouble with passwords using microsoft that I am afraid of them. 

Keep those weeds under control. If you can't burn them out get a 2.5 gallon bottle of generic roundup at TSC. It makes 250 gallon of spray (mix at 1%). I still have a half gallon left from the jug I got 10 years ago.  


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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 10-24-2020, 08:57 AM

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