The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
29 degrees headed for 35 with clouds all day in the suburbs of East Palestine, Ohio. 

A friend posted some information about the new Covid vaccination and it changed my thinking entirely. She explained how it is made and how it works and I found it to be very well explained. I hope it works as she says, and I will get the vaccination as soon as it is available.  That's what it will take to put folks at ease somewhat. I will share it on the Blue facebook page and if someone thinks it worthwhile feel free to copy and paste the information and pass it along. 

I scanned some more of the photo collection I purchased a while back. I still have over 400 to do, and once done I will share them where you all can check them out.  The fellow that had this collection died in 1938, drowned in Lake Erie on a July 4th outing I am told. I missed out on the pictures he took for the most part and they have not turned up as prints for sale anywhere yet. I am sure there are some goodies in them. I think I will scan some more today.     

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 12-06-2020, 07:57 AM

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