The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, a bit cold this morning, below chilly and into the 40's. My thermometer is a few degrees above what the official temp is here, but then, that weather station is a few miles to the north. It could get into the 30's tonight, lots of folks start putting sheets over their plants and shrubs about this time to keep them from freezing. Uh, have any of them even tried that with a cactus? We have what we call a, "jumping cactus". Small spiky things seem to jump on you if you get close. There are hundreds of needles with hooks on them that embed in you skin. Extremely painful, very hard to remove. Icon_cry How do I know this? No need to ask.... Nope And no, we do not have one of those in our yard.

Honda says that they want to update my GPS maps for free. Applause Needed a 16 gig USB stick, can't use a bigger one, has to be exactly 16. Bought one, and started the not-so-simple download. There are 28 steps to the process, and that's after you've downloaded the app. They give you 24 hours to do step 9 (run the app), once you've started step 1. Guess which step I'm hung up on..... Not only that, once you've get to the step that you transfer the data to the vehicle, it must be running all that time, and it could take up to four hours. Do I really need to update my maps, I usually know where I'm going and how to get there. Do I really care that they've added a few new streets in Dubuque, Iowa? I don't think so.

Watched a bit of the Arizona State-U of Arizona game the other night. I turned it on as ASU scored, then scored and scored again and again. Final score for the Arizona "Territorial Cup", 70-7. Both teams have only played a few games this year, but this is the only one they ever care about every year.
Don (ezdays) Day
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by ezdays - 12-13-2020, 06:48 AM

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