The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Snowed very briefly at 8500' and higher yesterday. Bright and sunny again today. Spring in the Rockies.

If the pandemic is real, why does it need to be forcefully and constantly mentioned every day and why does a vaccination - which does not prevent it - have to be pushed? Why only bad news about COVID, 24/7, after an entire year? And if masks work, why are we still wearing them? Or, if they do not work, why aren't we all dead? Sounds like a sales job and not a disease at all.

BTW_ I practiced medicine for thirty years and spent several years dealing with infectious diseases including things like HIV, so I know a real pandemic when I see one.

I don't see anything much to discuss about railroading, so I'm off to make my little world a better place, if I don't break something in the process!

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Mountain Man - 03-31-2021, 01:59 PM

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