The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning Blue
         I have had breakfast, finished some minor wiring and now I am enjoying my first cup of coffee. For those of you that still brew in a Mr coffee or similar we found the best coffee we have had for ages at all places, the Dollar General. It is called donut shop blend and it is really very very good. Of course we are a step behind a coffee machine as we still have a drip pot. Our water is full of minerals that will kill a coffee system in a month, but it is great drinking water and tested very good. 

         I worked on the locomotive from hell the past 2 nights putting decals on it. I did one side and let it set overnight then did the other side last night. No problems. then I installed the hand rails  the ones for the steps were drilled so there would have been room for a 8 inch man to climb the steps but surprisingly I had enough stock to drill the holes to the outside and then I cut the remainder away.  I will have to do some touchup paint but I am almost ready for dull coat and weathering. 

        Still sending prayers your way Frank. It sounds like things are working out for you. Keep smiling and keep active. Keep in mind your fellow forum members love you. We need you back to your old self. 

         Enjoy the bike ride if you get one Fiatfan and keep the rubber side on the pavement. 

         Everyone stay safe and enjoy a great week end. 

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 07-09-2021, 08:35 AM

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