The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
"Good morning sunshine", a movie song title and fitting for today. Usually dark outside when I get to the computer, today was bright and shiny. Either the sun came up two hours early, or I slept two hours later. My clocks all say the latter. I need the rest so sleeping in a a good thing.

Talked to the new owner of Brenda's the other day. Told her that it would be good if she went around to meet all the regulars. She made some excuse why she hadn't yet, but it's becoming too late. Usually, by 6:00, the counter is full and there is around 15 people drinking coffee and talking. Some wandering around, all being friendly. Yesterday, there were three of us, by 6:30, a few non-regulars popped in. The owner, well she was sitting in a corner doing paperwork. She did take off, "one refill" next to the coffee price on the new menu. Doubling the price of a cup of coffee didn't upset anyone as much as the "one refill" thing... Don't know how many more regulars that cost her.

No rain yesterday, today's forecast is for around 95 with a decent chance of rain. No two forecasts are alike, but none are ever wrong. My forecast: "it could rain", and so I'm right if it does or doesn't....

Enough sarcasm for today, just have a great weekend, relax and do something you enjoy.
Don (ezdays) Day
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by ezdays - 09-18-2021, 08:18 AM

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