The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning Blue.
        We have a beautiful day here and I am hoping to get something accomplished.  
        My onions had quit growing so I dug them yesterday, I got a bout 5 pound, nothing real big but boy are they good. Right now they are on sale in the local store for 88 cents a pound, I think mine were a total of $5 for the sets so I think growing onions (except for the green ones) is kind of foolish.  My potato plants have all died. I will dig them over the week end to see if I did better with them.  I have lots of tomatoes and no matter what, there is no better tomato then one eaten right off the vine. 
         Hoping to hear from Don soon. 
          Tompm, when you are in an accident sometimes you just don't remember what happened. More than likely you did hit your head.

          Fiat fan, You can save movies and photos to the Internet Archive. I have gone to Rumble for my videos, Youtube was placing too many adds on mine. I understand the need for ad revenue but they were getting carried away and want you to go premium.  My cousin has had a lot of my uncles movies transferred using legacy. They do a great job with the transfer but all they do is the transfer. I have been trying to color correct and edit them. I am trying to locate some film taken by a friend that passed away 30 years ago. I think I know who has them and I will see if I can get him to send them to legacy if I offer to pay. They are PRR and PC from the area and about 1000 feet if I remember. 

         I have to return a cable modem and pick up some primer and mineral spirits today, and more work on the motor home

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 08-11-2022, 07:08 AM

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