The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Hello-o-o-o Sounds kind of empty in here, where's everybody?  Regardless, good morning and welcome to Labor Day weekend for those who celebrate. Also today is the official start of the college football season even though they've been playing for a week now. Also, today, among about 100 other things, is:
  • National bacon day
  • World beard day (my favorite)
  • World coconut day

And lest we forget, most important, today is VJ day, I still remember the headlines, "JAPAN SURRENDERS".... We cannot forget about those from the US and our allies that gave their all so that we can celebrate this weekend holiday in peace. And for those that did come home, we are loosing them daily since that was some 77 years ago. I stand in awe of their bravery and dedication. Worship Worship

We did go up to Prescott yesterday, had a nice breakfast there and I traded one gun for another (plus a few more dollars), it's like trading in your old car at a dealer, you never get what you want for your trade-in. The guy asked me what I expected for my gun and I told him. "No way" says he, "hey, you asked me what I expected, what I'll take is something else". Anyway, it was a long trip for me, and I wish I had waited a few more weeks before going, but I have all the time I need to rest since I will be watching football today and tomorrow.

I hope you all have a good weekend and that you do something that you enjoy.
Don (ezdays) Day
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by ezdays - 09-03-2022, 07:42 AM

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