The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, I guess a bunch of us didn't check in yesterday, I got sidetracked doing other things and still didn't get all done that I wanted to. Going to try again today. Lost my Internet connection for a while, when it came back, all my WiFi devices came back except one. Need to open the app, oh, I need a password. Got no stinkin' password, half-hour later, I got a password. Now I need to switch my Internet to the device, need another password when I switch back, another half-hour and I have my Internet back, now Alexa can't find my device, need another password and I was just about ready to throw my cell phone against a wall.... Another time waster yesterday, one smoke alarm is beeping, needs a new battery just that it doesn't beep long enough for me to find which one. Stand in the hallway for ten minutes and no beep, walk away and it goes off again. Now you know why I didn't post yesterday....

Got woke up about 2:00 with a storm passing though. Suppose to be a good chance of another one later this afternoon. Temps in the mid-90's for a few days than back into the triple-digits and no rain.

Did watch a bit of football over the weekend, watched the Arizona Cardinals get whomped at home. You would think that when you pay someone 10 million a year, that you'd get your money's worth. We now have players getting 150 million-dollar contracts and they still loose games. How can teams afford this? Well, they raise ticket prices, the league charges TV stations more, who charge advertisers more who in turn charge the consumer more. So we ultimately are the ones paying for these outlandish salaries of players who don't do what they're getting paid to do...

So much for that nonsense, have a great day today...
Don (ezdays) Day
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by ezdays - 09-12-2022, 06:11 AM

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