Always Fixing Track?
nachoman Wrote:not only that, but track requires maintenance over the years. Benchwork expands and contracts with changes in humidity. Turnouts wear out. And sometimes rails become damaged by dropping something on them or leaning on them. All this means over the life of a layout, you will be periodically repairing sections of track. It's normal

Thanks, I was going to mention that as well, especially about the humidity. We live in a very humid area which can affect a layout as we get into the summer. And it only makes sense that if "real track" needs regular maintenance then MRR track should as well!

I still find it interesting that it often just takes 1-2 locos to reveal a problematic track section, while the others don't seem to be bothered by the short-comings. But, it all makes sense, when you consider the various differences -- i.e. some locos have extra-long wheelbases (which can have trouble on tight curves or poorly-laid track) while other locos are 45+ years-old and therefore have larger flanges and don't pick up current as well as newer ones.

Having said all this, I actually enjoy tweaking track, especially if I'm successful. It's very satisfying and rewarding to fix it and enjoy having your trains run smoothy.

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