The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good Morning
        Don and Tompm I sympathize with you and the back pain. Mine is very very mild caused by arthritis but I did have an incident several years ago when I got severe back pain and could hardly move. It involved a trip to the ER and with all the tests and an MRI nothing could be found. They gave me a shot of morphine and sent me home and told me to have physical therapy.  That was no help but I went to my chiropractor and she recommended having her masseuse work me over. 2 times with her and adjustments afterword and the pain was gone. I feel I was very lucky.  I get upset because the pain medicines that grant relief to many folks that truly need it are now off limits because of junkies mis-using them.  

       I tried to print a decal sheet yesterday and found my new Canon printer has ink that runs when sprayed with clear coat. I never had that problem with HP or Epson printers so I see a new Epson Eco-tank printer is in my future. I am one of the few folks that has no luck with Canon products. 

       It is still cloudy here and it is almost 11 AM as I write this. It is currently 36 with a predicted high of 48. Tomorrow will be raining they say. I need to go to my home town to pick up a few things from my brothers store (freebies) but I just can't get in the mood. It is only 14 miles but the town has become such a wasteland that it is upsetting to see it. When I was growing up there were over 25,000 people, now down to less than 15,000 and the old homes are vacant and falling down from lack of maintenance. My grandparents home (built in 1949) was torn down 2 years ago, My uncles new home, built in 1957 has been gone for 12 years now  and the house my parents built in 1947 has been condemned and slated to be torn down.  These were all built by my family members, not by hired contractors and were well built. The folks that bought them just let the roofs get bad and that is all it takes.  A flyover the area on Google Earth shows many of the remaining downtown buildings have bad roofs so they will be on the hit list soon.    

       In the 50's they tore down a couple historic buildings to make parking lots because the parking was hard to find in town. Now it seems the whole town is one massive parking lot. 

        There is a silver lining though. It is called Big Blue  Icon_e_biggrin and my model of the SW7 I painted in 1992 is now DCC equipped and running well. 


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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 01-11-2023, 10:07 AM

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