The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks

It is 53 heading up to 57 and the sun is shining. It was wild weather this weekend. Friday evening and Saturday morning we had ran. Most of Saturday remained rain free but overnight and most of Sunday we had rain with the heaviest Sunday night into this morning. I am not sure how much we got over the weekend, but I have heard 3 plus inches from several places.

The river is very high this morning. According to the river gauge a few miles upriver the flow should have crested, and the water should start receding. It will be a day or two before they can access the riverside of the weir wall.

With all the rain we worked inside the house. We got the rugs cleaned in the foyer and living room. Replaced the miniblind in the hall bathroom. I got some laundry done but not as much as I wanted to. Saturday between the storms we ran to the post office, produce store, gas station, BJ’s, and the drive through diary store.

The wife is having issues with her allergies for the past week. We are not sure what is triggering them, and she has an appointment with a ne allergist. She has finally given up on her current allergist and his rude bedside manner and overall lousy attitude. I gave upon him about a year ago and have been trying to get her to do the same. It came to a head last week when my wife called him, and his receptionist answered, and my wife heard him in the background tell the receptionist to tell my wife he was not in.

Spent a portion of the weekend allowing my son to vent. He is the lead organizer of the county Pride Festival in June and at the last minute the township police department decided they need 10 officers for the event and not the 6 previously agreed to. He now has to fund raise an additional $5000 to $7000 in the next four to six weeks. This was also a surprise to the township council and there will be further negotiation going on between him, council, and the police department.

Unfortunately, I got very little done on the workbench or layout. I was able to put some rolling stock away that I used for the latest run by. I did clear out some junk from an area that I can now use for storing some train stuff.

I am not sure what this evening holds. Maybe more laundry.

I hope to finish putting away the rolling stock from the last run by. I would like to finish painting the walls for the Morgan House. I have a couple of new locomotives I would like to test.

I hope everybody has a good day.
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Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by tompm - 05-01-2023, 07:36 AM

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