The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning

        Tom, I actually envy you for the jury duty.  I had to opt out several times because I was away from home when called and now with my prostate issues I would not dare try it but I would volunteer if I could avoid accidents.  

        I worked on a newly purchased ebay con cor superliner last night. I got 4 at a bargain price but they need some work. The weights are all rattling around inside and I am going to install lights. I will also body mount the couplers. 

         Gas is out of control here as is electric and natural gas. I knew this was coming when they started switching from coal to gas for generating electricity. Locally they are saying there is a shortage of natural gas, and I just read we have a 25 day supply of diesel fuel which is not good when folks start filling their heating fuel tanks.  I hope this isn't true but I will count on the worst. 

         Had a nice week end. I didn't get much done but I felt good and most of the aches were minimal.


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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 09-18-2023, 07:37 AM

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