Christmas anyone ?
TCWORLD Wrote:I've always wondered about scaleing Time. In theory it would make speeds out of scale. But then of course I've just Quashed my own theory by remembering the Distance = Speed x Time, so if you scale the distance, you must have to scale the Time by the same amount for speeds to stay constant. So 5 months would be about 40 hours in HO gauge time.
The problem is not scaling time, you just have a clock that counts 87x faster than a normal clock (Hence "Fast Clock"), obviously thats for HO, If you were doing the same for N, it would count 160x fater than a normal clock (or 150x, or 144x depending on which standard of N you use). The problem comes with the fact that Gravity cannot be scaled, so when you shunt, if say you use gravity shunting (sidings sloping down to the buffers), then it will not be in scale as the train wouldn't accellerate as fast.

OF course I may be whittering nonsense, but that is how I've understood the scale aspects of time.

You are correct ------ Time is not really scaleable .
In fact some folks can't even MODEL it correct---George Selios is an excellent example of that.
George IS a FANTASTIC modeler-- of that there is NO doubt --- BUT ---- BUT --- His Franklin & South Manchester RR is set IN the middle of the depression , yet every piece in the railroad, is completely decrepit & rundown. Prior to the depression things would have been maintained & kept up --- a period of 3-4 years would not have been enough for every thing to fall apart as his RR depicts.
We eccept this in his & others modeling because we realize that the depression was a tough time & this type of depiction satisfies our feeling of the despair of the time.
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!

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