Prototype modeling - how far can you take it?
Thats a new one on me.
I've read articles where folks would take prototype railroad, using the home road rules and regs, timetables and equipment then freelance a line. I wouldn't call that protolancing. Especially if your going to make up town names, industries and such. In other words, you can still freelance a prototype road. Freelancing. you can still model it "right down to the minute, of one day"

To me, protolancing would be to take a prototype railroad,or a fallen flag with a Right Of Way or route thats been abandoned, and model it as if it was still in operation, using the names of towns and industries that exisited along that line. Still using the real roads equipment and markings for the time period your modeling.

Prototype modelers, get right down to the reporting marks, on the equipment that the railroad used. And many have changed the side the brake gear was on"Because the model had it wrong"
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.

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