Shamus - R.I.P - 14th March 1937 / 23rd November 2008
I needed to bring this over to here. Where, so ever "The-Gauge" should exist, Paul Templar, aka Shamus will exist, even if only in memorium. To a friend, already missed;

Paul, you were an inspiration to many of us. You were a friend to many more. If I have any regret, it would be that I never had the chance to meet with you, and discuss model railroading over good food and drink at the local pub. I did, however, have the chance to discuss model railroading over a great board, here at "The-Gauge", "Big Blue". I will miss those discussions, at least until such time as I join you, God willing, on the vast, eternal "website" that you've gone to.
I am blessed to have been able to build, and send to you, the things I did, and blessed that you received them well. It matters not, that no one else knows what, and when. It matters only that you were pleased, and considering the quality of your work, I can only feel honored that you were pleased with my humble efforts.
Where you are now, my friend, there are far better than me to discuss model railroading with, and far more time for it, and far better "pubs" to enjoy it in. Be at peace, modelmaker, teacher, musician, friend. That far green country, into a swift sunrise, beyond white shores, is yours now. Take comfort, for it is there for you.
Take joy, for there is no need for sorrow now. Concern yourself not for us, for we will meet again. The joy of that renewed friendship, will well compensate the sorrow of this parting.
Blessed, and bettered am I for having known you.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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