Benchwork questions
Some good suggestions here. I will point out that PVC pipe is easiest to work with in terms of cutting and fastening together, followed by wood. Metal is also an excellent option, but if you are less familiar in working with it, you may want to go with wood. I have never seen a layout built using PVC pipe, but I have heard of a few that used metal studs.

I used wood for similar reasons to Wayne - I got a bunch of scraps free when my dad was framing his house, and from dismantling an old layout. I think I only had to buy about two 1x2s new from my entire layout. If I was to buy materials new, I would likely have gone the metal route. I used an "L girder" type construction because I have lots of vertical scenery. If you are planning on flat scenery, there is no reason to get much more complicated than a piece of foam or plywood over a simple framework.
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