your thoughts
thanks ngauger. i will give him a buzz to go over things. and that sounds like a great idea on the button.

viperman my son passed away in 2006 after a long battle with a disease called canavan's . here is a little about him for the new members as all the old timers can remember"and this might bringa tear to their eye as it does mine as i write this.

my sons was born on November 29 2001 he was a healthy little boy in Jan of 2002 we started to notice things were not just right and in feb 2002 he was in the hospital and for 15 days they did test after test and in April of 2002 we got the all the tests back and the news that no parent wants to hear we where told that our son has a disease called canavan's we where told to take him home and love him as their is little to do for this disease.keegen was in and out of the hospital due to his disease.well in 2005 make a wish gave keegen his wish to go to Disney world in fl to go meet bear in the big blue house. and in oct of 2005 keegen fell sick and was in the hospital once again. well this time was different he stored eating so we had a feeding tube put in. and that is where he went down hill. 24 hrs after the surgery he started to swell and swell in his tummy the dr's couldn't find out why. he got to 88cm around and with all the test they where doing they couldn't find the problem. so they took him back to surgery this is now 4 days after the first one. they gave him a 0.01% chance for making it off the table. well 9 hours later he was out and doing good. and 15 days later he was back in surgery for more tummy sugery. and 3 times more after that. he spent the next 5 months in the hospital in the i.c.u 25 miles from home.and with all this going on we where getting ready for our 4th child. well in feb 2006 he came home and was doing very well then in march his disease showed back in force and off to the hospital . he spent another month in the i.c.u and at that time we talked and made him d.n.r and brought him home under hospice. and in june his little brother was born. and keegen started to go down hill again. he was able to hold his little once and we got the pics of it. and on july 1st 2006 he passed away at home with his family.

For info on what my son had read next post

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