I had too much turkey last night
Sumpter250 Wrote:I guess I'm just sensitive to certain commercials. I have always disliked the advertising of prescription drugs, in public media. I think of it as a sleazy attempt to get more people in to their doctor's office, and ask for prescriptions for these "products". (which doctors seem very happy to dispense in large amounts...do I smell "kickback"!!???)
It's a hypochondriac's "heaven", and is part of what is driving up the cost of health care.
Hey, someone has to pay for all those ads! Bet you won't see "our government" haulin' in the reins on that extravagance, as part of their health care bill.

I agree with you on this, Pete. It's like they're trying to drum-up business. Eek And there's not even any secrecy about things such as "kickbacks": it's well-known that drug companies subsidise medical schools heavily and, by extension, ensure that the role of drugs in treatment, prevention, etc. is emphasised in the curriculum. There are lots of doctors out there that flat-out don't subscribe to any treatment that doesn't, in some way, involve drugs, and, of course, we have a public that's heavily into prescription medicines, sometimes to the point of addiction. In my opinion, this tacit "sanctioning" by medical professionals of such drug use plays some part in society's fascination with, and acceptance of, recreational drugs.


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