WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Progress report....

Got all the tarpaper on the roof, plus the drip edge. Except for one little piece, because somehow I miscalculated and didn't buy enough. Curse

Vicki helped me all day long yesterday and all day long again today. She is a tough lady and can work with the best of them. I'm lucky to have her, and I suppose sometimes I take her for granted. I shouldn't do that! I'm really pleased with the progress we made over the past 2 days.

The brick ledge and electrical conduits for the panel. I have 100 feet of ditch to dig to get the power here.


Here's Vicki nailing down some of the big metal disks used to hold the tarpaper down.


Another shot from the other end. Also shows the muck and mud which is my backyard right now. We plan on getting some fill dirt brought in as soon as it dries up enough to get a truck back here.

My daughter came out and cleaned up all the trash and cut-offs and stuff around the building. Three trash bags and a wheelbarrow load.


After we got the tarpaper finished, we put some more plywood on the walls:


I've still got to close in the gables and a bit more plywood on the walls.

To get to this point, I have about 120 hours in this project. Vicki has about 60 hours, my daughter has 10, and one of my electrician buddies helped us get some of the plywood onto the roof and screwed down, about 4 hours worth.

Now, my 120 hours isn't including the trips to HD over the past 3 weeks to get all the material stockpiled.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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