WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
As a commercial electrician, I spent most of my time on commercial jobs. Only did a few houses, and those were typically custom homes or additions for our commercial customers who were remodeling their homes. Now, I have never seen a commercial job that had horizontal rock. It was metal studs and vertical placement. The residential was typically horizontal. Don't really know why, but my assumption which I shall mention in a sec is based on the fact that the commercial jobs typically had very light texturing, if any at all. Smooth walls for the most part. The residential typically had heavy texturing.

so I am guessing that the horizontal rock is easier to install, but harder to finish smooth. But since they are doing heavy texture, a perfect seam doesn't really matter. On the commercial jobs, they need really smooth seams, hence the vertical rock.

As for the layout... it will be about 56 inches AFF. So if the sheetrock is horizontal, the long horizontal seam will be below the layout and wouldn't show. But I would have end joints every 8 feet, or 12 if I went with that. With vertical, I would have seams every 4 feet, but they would be on the tapered edges. I am with Wayne that filling up the tapers (albeit with a few coats instead of one heavy coat) would be okay. The 12 foot rock on horizontal is definitely something to consider.

I will be using screws and will use Wayne's method of avoiding humps when screwing them down. The studs I used were hand-picked for straightness, so that shouldn't be a problem either.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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