WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
These are the lighting boxes. I'll put some 3" round rings on them for coming through the sheetrock.


Piping out of the panel... three pipes used, three spares (a bit much 35 ). On the right of the door, I'll have light switches, a switch for the DCC supply, a switch for the outside light above the door. I'm going to put in a couple of exhaust fans in the ceiling, so I'll have a switch to turn them on, plus it will turn on the attic vent fan. I don't really like the arrangement of the box below the other box, but the layout is coming over the area, and it would be a reach if I kept putting the boxes further toward the right.


The lowest box is for a receptacle, the box on the upper left is the track bus for the north wall, and, I took DocWayne's advice and put a receptacle box up high under the layout, so I can add receptacles in the fascia if I decide to.

Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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