WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
It is really "cool" to have this forum so we can discuss this stuff. I never really thought about the differences in housing construction based on climate and location. We all see how things are done where we live, and then we assume that houses should be built like that everywhere. I know I am like that. When the vapor barrier was first mentioned several pages ago, I was thinking "What? Vapor barrier? Under the sheetrock? Never saw it before!" And you cold climate guys are looking at my building thinking "Uh oh, he needs vapor barrier!"

I am sure that a house built at the north pole would need to be done differently than in the Sahara dessert. And most likely there is a gradient in between the extremes. Apparently Houston is about in the middle. We probably have a few days in the winter where a vapor barrier under the sheetrock would be helpful, but then we have plenty of days where the vapor barrier would serve no function at all, and perhaps even be a problem by trapping moisture that is trying to move "the wrong way." As for condensation in the winter months, there is a huge difference between 10 degrees F outside and 70 degrees F inside versus 40 degrees F outside and 70 degrees F inside.

Thanks to everyone for their comments. Smile

Will post more progress photos this evening.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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