Bad News For GERN
Our scientists have investigated thoroughly the issue of Craddonium and see it as an element of limited commercial importance, especially given its narrow distribution of occurrence and the low-volume output of the existing mines. Most of the benefits attributed to it can be easily duplicated with much more readily available (and therefore cheaper) GERN Brand products.
As for the colourful description of its affect on steel, in-house laboratory and field tests have shown the futility of trying to beat macaroni into a sheet of any type: uncooked, al dente, or cooked beyond recognition, it made no difference.

On the other hand, GERN Brand flux, when used as an additive during the steelmaking process, can increase both malleability and ductility by up to 3%, and, if desired, impart a macaroni-like aroma to the operation, too. Goldth Thumbsup

Flux Magnate

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