Decal application question
Personally, I've never worried about the glossy surface for decaling. I have decaled over brushed craft paint and other rough surfaces with success. The key is microsol. Apply the decals with water and let them dry. Next, we will do three applications of microsol.... brush on some MicroSol and let that dry. Once it dries, do another application (if you see any air pockets or places where the decal hasn't snuggled down tightly to the surface, poke a sharp pin in those places before the second coat of microsol). After that dries, do one more application of microsol. Once it is thoroughly dry, do a couple of coats of dullcote or other matte finish.

If you've never used microsol, you have to be careful with it. Quickly brush it onto the decal, and then leave the decal alone. Don't touch it, don't try to reposition it or anything. And, the microsol may even cause the decal to "crinkle" a bit. That is okay. As the microsol dries, the decal will go back to its original look, but will be snuggled down to the surface.

Anyway, that's how I do it and have been satisfied with the results.
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