The nature of flea markets?
Thanks for all of these replies!

I was mostly surprised by how sellers immediately offered to lower their prices almost as soon as I walked over to their tables.

I think I do my best negotiating when I'm very relaxed & casual about it. Personality-wise, I'm not aggressive or pushy, so if I casually offer a lower price or start to negotiate, sellers seems to respond well. On the other hand, if I'm upright and firm, they respond abruptly or refuse to negotiate! I guess it all boils down to people skills.

I've noticed this happening in other areas. Once, my wife and I were interested in buying a van. We liked the practical nature of the van but were only sort-of interested (I was put off because, IMO, a van is one of the most un-cool vehicles you can buy!). Because we were so relaxed & casual, this car dealer kept offering us better deals & discounts. I was quite amused by this and often try to apply this technique shopping!

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