WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
DocWayne, the only thing is... the ATG doesn't have any passenger cars or lounge cars! Maybe some chairs and tables and umbrellas on a flat car?

Made very good progress this evening and I'm pleased, to say the least.

Strengthened the second section of the layout by adding some 1x3s onto the bottom. I wanted to have more depth underneath for the new wiring, plus it will help keep everything together when we carry it across the backyard.



Then the crew helped me move it into its new home. That's Vicki, Krista, and her boyfriend Josh. It took alot of maneuvering to get it into the room because one leg of the L was 15 feet and the other leg was 8 feet. We had to corkscrew it into the room because the door is only 6 foot 8 inches. For a bit there, I didn't think it was going to fit, but Josh used his thinking cap and figured out the sequence of moves to get it into place.


Put up the shelf brackets and we set'er in place.


Here is a photo of the underneath. I am using 32" spacing on the brackets and feel very confident that it is enough.


DocWayne's cove idea turned out very nice. I love the way it looks!


And, here is the remaining big piece, 22 feet long. We did some measuring in the room, and there is simply no way to get it where it needs to go. I'll have to cut 18" or so off the end. No big deal, as I was planning on redoing the tracks there anyway.

Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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