Added some detail to the blue boxes
Popcornbeer I have put this thought on here before but I will say it again. CSX is Chessie Seaboard Expanding. Note which is first. Now around 1960 C&O bought B&O and WM saving both from demise. Part of the deal was to keep B&O from becoming C&O. I think it was in the early 70s when the Chessie System came to life. Chessie is the C&O Cat. It almost failed and the merge with Seaboard might have saved it. This merger was CSX. Long live the Chessie cat. At a pretty close time line the C&O rejected a takeover of PRR and NYC which merged to make up the bigger part of Conrail. A few years ago CSX and Norfolk and Southern bought Conrail. So as I see it Conrail should be painted enchantment blue. I also feel that if you think about it C&O / Chessie bought PRR. Big Grin Before some poor PRR lover gets upset. I know that there is still a PRR on paper and some trackage somewhere. and this is all in fun. I know that C&O for progress is gone but I like my scenario of events because it gets you guys fired up. Icon_lol Icon_lol Icon_lol
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